I went to the doctor to take the three-hour glucose test, but everything was just crap at first. I got there at 8am and signed in on the sheet. The lady ahead of me was asked if she had been seen yet; she hadn't. The receptionist checked the sheet and noticed that the lady's name had already been crossed out. I waited for what seemed like forever, watching other patients come and go before deciding to check the sheet to see if my name had also been crossed out. It had. I waited for the receptionist to come back and told her that I hadn't been called yet and was there for the glucose screening and wondered if I could go ahead and get started. So she brought me in a room to have my blood drawn.
I explained I threw up the last time I took it and asked for an alternative, but the nurse said, "Sometimes that happens" and had me drink it anyway. After a few sips, I realized it wasn't going to stay down. I could feel my body slowly configuring a way to project it out quickly as I walked back to the waiting room. My head felt like it was spinning and I tried to coax myself to just hang on. A nurse came out to see how I was doing. I told her I felt lightheaded and nauseated, so she let me lay down on one of the beds in the back while she took more blood.
I went back to the waiting room and sat on the floor with my head in a chair, but I broke into a cold sweat, felt my stomach lurch and ran to the toilet to barf up all the orange crap I drank. I told the nurse I threw the glucose up, so she had to find out from my doctor of another way to test me. I've got to get more blood drawn sometime in the future, but nobody knows if I'm going to have to drink the glucose again. If I can't keep it down, I need an alternative. I'm just feeling awful.