I went to Walmart with Jac and picked out a toddler bed and mattress. As I'm a pregnant lady, I'm not supposed to lift heavy things with the chance I could break my water. I'm fairly strong and have stayed pretty fit this time around, so I lifted the bed frame (in a box) and the mattress into my cart. Before choosing the bed frame, I had to move about three other frames from on top of the one I wanted, so I was on all fours, pushing things around. During this process, I spotted a few employees who were trying to rearrange their aisles. I made eye contact with them, and even did the hand motion which means "excuse me" and nobody moved. Another employee walked down my aisle and gave a little "hi, how are ya" before walking away. I asked for some assistance and they said "Sorry, I don't work in this department." Yup.
I made it to the checkout and was walking towards the exit, when the cashier stopped me and refused to let me walk to my car in my "condition" because she didn't want me lifting the "heavy stuff" into my car and going in to labor. I explained that I put them in the basket by myself and was quite certain I could also put them in my car. She told me to wait and paged someone to come help... so I waited.
and waited...
and waited...
and waited...
and waited...
After an hour (AN HOUR), someone came to "assist" me. I was pissed. I hope they could tell.
Good news: We started bringing things to the apartment! Jac has been exploring the rooms and hiding in the closets. The view from our bedroom is my favorite.