Monday, May 31, 2010

Movies and Art

Mom convinced me to see Sex & the City 2 with her. Carrie Bradshaw has a Blackberry like mine. I've always been a Sex & the City fan. It was slightly awkward watching with Mom, as she's not a fan. We had some quality time, though, which was nice. Normally, we don't do mother-daughter things together.

I hung out with Emily tonight and she had me paint Harley Quinn one of her purses with fabric paint. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Leah is One!

Happy first birthday to my Leah! Can't believe my babies aren't babies anymore.

I baked two cakes, one for each kiddo. Zac bought a wagon for the kids as a birthday gift so we can pull them along on our walks. They love it so much!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sick Kids

Both of my babes are suffering this week. Jac had a mild case of tonsillitis, which caused the beginning symptoms of an ear infection. We caught it before it grew worse, but he's still a miserable little man. Leah is teething, so she's running fever, her gums are swollen, and she has more progressed ear infection. It's been rough.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tattoo Progress

I got my tattoo finished! It's absolutely beautiful. Jessie is amazing! I met her boyfriend, Joey, and their little boy, Orrin.

On our journey through Louisiana, We stopped to see Sean in Covington, then stopped in Hattiesburg to visit Katie and Garrett before heading back to Mom's.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Birthday pt. 1

I decided to have a double birthday for the kids... something I've never done before. Jac helped pick out the cake mix and I used my heart-shaped pan from my wedding. We even bought some balloons. I invited Carlton and Rachel and their kids. Nothing too fancy, but the kids had a good time.

Zac and I started watching Dexter. I saw part of an episode a while back when I went to one of Kacy's mommy-get-togethers. I love the show so far. It's such a cool concept.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Jac is Four!

Happy fourth birthday, Jacaroni!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Playground with the Kids

Zac and I took the kids to lunch at Fernando's, then hung out at the mall for a little while. I put in an application at Hot Topic, but I really don't want to drive that far. Zac bought me some Godiva chocolates for Mother's Day.

We brought the kids to the park this afternoon. Leah loves the swings and didn't want me to take her out of it. She cried when we had to leave.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tattoo Coloring

This morning, we ate breakfast with Jena and Quinn and headed towards New Orleans. Christina wanted to play with the kiddos while I went to see Jessie and get my tattoo colored in. I'm so happy with the results!

We went back to Christina's to hang out for a little while before driving back to Mississippi.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Katie's Baby Shower

Zac and I drove to Hattiesburg for Katie's baby shower, then hung out with her at her apartment. I love how she decorates! She likes metal art and creates her own paintings.

After the shower, we went to Mawmaw's to visit and pick up some clothes from Aunt Janie. Tonight we're sleeping at Jena's. Quinn is going to pick up daiquiris on his way home.