Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A few things.

Masks are now mandatory in my county. I'm astonished at how many people think this is a bad idea.  I actually feel more comfortable going into a store to buy what isn't available for pickups because I know there's a low chance of viral exposure. The cases are fluctuating between 800 or so to over a thousand a day. It's mind boggling. Because of this, I did some thinking and went back and forth a bit, but decided to postpone my school til next year. Who knows where we'll be then? Maybe there'll be a vaccine, maybe not. I don't want to risk sitting in a classroom with the possible exposure to covid, only to bring it home to my family. Online classes are an option, but I'll benefit more in a classroom, where I can ask a question or have some extra help, especially with algebra. I'd love to be in a lab for geology, but the best thing I can do now is wait. So, we're thinking of other things we can do for now. The big kids are finally finished with their school last week (yay!) and I don't plan on starting the new homeschool year until January... I dunno if I mentioned that already or not.

We're tossing around the idea of selling our house and moving everything to Mom's so we can buy an RV and travel for a while. There are pros and cons with that. It's a small space with four kids, but we usually all hang around together as it is, so I'm not worried about being smothered. It's mainly leaving my first house we bought together. Like, this is where I brought home our last baby. It's where Emily came for coffees and where I last saw her, face to face. I still have the voicemail Dad left, saying how proud he was that we bought our first house. It's a grieving process. I'm trying to cope with it and stay positive about the idea of change and letting it go for something better, but ehhh. Our positive plan is to see all the states, spend time in them and see what we like and don't like, and then decide where we want to buy land and end up in our forever home. I don't like the idea of moving back to Mom's. That never turned out well the last few times we've had to do that and this time would be us choosing to do so. But we've wanted to get an RV ever since Jac was a baby. This would be our only way to achieve the dream. And we won't be "living" with Mom. We'll be "staying" with mom during our down time. The best part, which I'm mainly focusing on, is getting rid of a lot of things we don't need. I'm letting go of knick knacks that I only bought because they were cute, and I've even thrifted some water globes. I'm hoping that while we're staying with Mom and have more space to put things, we'll take less with us when we move into our own place again. We're hoping to be settled before Halloween and hope to put the house on the market shortly thereafter. We have some painting to do on the walls and have a few repairs, but it isn't a lot.

Other things... I called the place where Dad was donated and am still waiting to hear back from the woman I spoke to last week to find out when they'll release his remains. I'd like to go ahead and buy an urn and have some closure. His birthday passed on the 17th. I bought his favorite cake mix and have been a little on the emotional side this week. I miss him so much sometimes. He'd be 84 and I miss little things like small talk about work or going to visit and the TV would be super loud. He loved John Wayne westerns, which I always thought were cheesy.

Anyway, that's what's going on so far. I'm trying to figure out what to do with these kids now that they aren't doing lessons and it's sweltering outside.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

4th of July

We drove to Summit to visit Rachel's sister and have a July 4th get-together. I was assured there was no covid, as Regina works from home and her husband as been remote. The big kids played with their cousins on an inflatable waterslide in the rain, so that was fun. Elias tried it once with Abbi, but was done. It was "too scary". Instead he just walked around in the rain on the patio. We ate some food, Mom gave me grief about my vegetarianism (again) and we headed home. Elias was reluctant to leave because he made friends with Regina's little boy, Noah. They bonded over Hot Wheels. We're going to try to see them again eventually. The day was fun, though. We didn't get to see any fireworks aside from neighbors we passed on our bike ride later this evening.