Monday, December 27, 2021

Winter Solstice 2021

We spent Christmas in Louisiana this year. TBH it wasn't great. Lots of things went down. We did celebrate early Christmas with my mom since Meredith was in town. I got to hold baby Ashton and the kids played with their cousins. 
We headed to Marie's on Thursday night and set up the air mattress for the boys. The big kids camped out on sofas. We hung around and visited a bit. It was nice and felt like pre-pandemic.
Friday was Christmas eve, so Christina and Steve came to sleep over also. We ate dinner, I talked to Francesca about books, the kids played a toilet game with poop and dice, then we played a Christmas movie trivia game (I won two rounds). 

Here's where it went downhill. Brace yourself.
Zac got absolutely drunk as fuck. I went to bed earlier than he did. I got the boys asleep on the sofa and decided to lay by them since the big two had the air bed. Stevie took the other sofa where the big kids were, and Zac was gonna lay on the sofa near me. Welp, around 2am I woke up to Zac moaning, though I thought he was talking in his sleep. I was about to get up and smack him after repeatedly shushing him to no avail. And then he threw up on the floor, rolled off the sofa and hit his head. Steve and Christina were still up, so they got him cleaned up and in the bathroom. I managed to doze on and off until maybe 7am. Zac spent the rest of the day either sleeping or puking. I was absolutely PISSED. I spent the morning running on two hours of sleep, making sure the big kids had their showers, packing all our things back up, loading the van, making sure they were fed, etc. Christina offered to take Zac home with her and Steve to sober up since she lived near Krystal, so that was the plan. I drove myself and the kids to Metairie and got us settled in at Krystal's house. Not 10 minutes after walking through the door, I learned Jac fell through a rotten board on the porch after being warned about it not 10 seconds prior. He was fine, so he said, but his finger was hurting a little. He had symptoms of it being jammed/dislocated, so we put ice on it, gave him Motrin and wrapped it in an ace bandage. He started complaining about it feeling worse and it was getting swollen, so I decided to take him to the ER. Bless Krystal and Kevin for looking after six children while she was still trying to make dinner. After some examining and an x-ray, we learned he had a small fracture to his left middle finger. They splinted him and sent us on our way. I was mostly upset that Zac wasn't there and how everything felt like it was going wrong. Finally, Zac got back to me with a sobered update and Christina dropped him off to me. I had him promise to not do all that again. Like, the kind of promise where our relationship would suffer majorly if he acted a fool again. We enjoyed the rest of the night and exchanged gifts with family.
The next day, Krystal took me to Dillard's to look at Mr. Bingle clearance. I bought a calendar and found some other cool things. They closed the Disney store and turned it into a toy shop. Not bad, but still dumb. Zac picked up beignets for breakfast and we had dinner, did a plate craft with the kids and played outside with bean bags until it started getting dark. We hugged everybody, then headed home. Luckily Zac drove.

We got in around 10, the kids opened their gifts from Santa, and we called it a night. However, I requested an espresso bc I wanted to watch a movie and hang with Zac so I was up until 5:30am this morning. I think I fell asleep right before his 6am alarm went off, then dozed off until 8. I'm hoping this is the only holiday as stressful as it was, but I guess next year I'll look back and call it a "good story".

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dental visits

The kids had dental appointments today. Jac, Leah, and Cole were cavity-free. Jac is going to have to get more strict about his brushing routine because his gums are very bad. I've been nagging him about oral hygiene forever, but he just doesn't make it a priority. Elias has one cavity between two baby molars. We have to go to a specialist because he's got a lot of overcrowding. Some of his adult teeth aren't able to push through so he'll need some baby teeth pulled. He's had a wiggly top tooth for a while now, so he asked the dentist if she'd pull it and she did. He was very surprised, ha.

Saturday, December 4, 2021


I had to bring Elias to the ER this evening because he started running a fever of 103°. He was able to be seen pretty quickly, thankfully. They ran tests for flu, Covid and strep, but all were negative. My poor kiddo had a Covid nasal swab and omg. He jumped, but didn't cry. After about an hour, they said it's a sinus infection most likely from allergies. He was so brave and patient. I'm hoping he's better tomorrow. All we can do is keep the fever low and keep him hydrated.