Friday, September 30, 2005

An unexpected surprise & some TMI

When I was a teenager, I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I was informed by more than one doctor that I wasn't able to ovulate on my own, which is why I was the only girl in my group of friends who didn't carry tampons in her handbag. Pregnancy was "unlikely" to ever happen to me, so I accepted that I would one day own a few small-breed mutts and call them my babies. Zac was on board, we high-fived, and that was that. However, just last night Zac and I were driving around, listening to music and enjoying the autumn air when for no reason at all I was overcome with nausea. I just wanted to go home and either throw up or die. We headed home and I tried to think of what could possibly be wrong with me all of a sudden: No fever, no upset stomach, just nausea that went away after eating a few crackers... and feeling a little larger in the bra region, and how tired I've been this week, and how sick to my stomach Mawmaw's Jumex Strawberry-Banana nectars (my favorite thing) made me feel. We went to Walmart and I reluctantly made the purchase of a two-count pregnancy test kit "just in case".

I waited about a minute, not expecting to see much more than a negative result, as I've seen a few times in the past. But, where there was supposed to be a "plus" symbol, it had a vertical line, not a horizontal, which didn't look like a negative nor positive. Thinking the test was faulty, I used the second one, but got the same vertical line. To make sure of what I was seeing, I called the 1-800 number on the box and the receptionist confirmed it. We are having a baby.

Monday, September 19, 2005

The calm

Home again, home again, jiggity jog.

I wasn't able to keep up with posting while we were evacuated. There were power-outages, boredom, naps, and exploring, so posting was pushed to the back burner. I guess I should also add that we didn't have access to a computer except maybe once or twice when we brought our computer tower to Zac's Aunt Donna's friend's house.

What you missed: Not too much, really. I'll shorthand it.

There was a lot of drama happening at Meredith's when we arrived. Meredith is a pastor's wife and has strong convictions about nontraditional relationships, i.e., sharing a bed while not married. Zac and I live together and are not married. When the tension started, Mawmaw called to tell Zac that his Aunt Donna had space for us, but we'd have to drive to Tennessee. I don't think we've ever left a location with as much speed as we did that day to head toward the mountains! However, Emily and Alex were stuck with Meredith and Matt, dealing with those convictions. Granny (my maternal grandma) picked Dad up from Hattiesburg and brought him to Meredith's house.

Tennessee was amazing. I told Zac we need to consider moving there, maybe before we have kids. The weather was absolutely beautiful. We stayed with Donna for a few weeks, looking for work and exploring. Zac's cousin, Christina, and her family were staying with Donna as well. I learned a little of Zac when he was young, like how he used to play with Barbies.

We've been back at Mawmaw's for about a week. Her house is fine, no damage. The yard flooded a bit, though. There are muddy crawfish houses scattered all over the lot, along with broken branches and puddles. We don't have cable, but I don't mind. I've been drawing and haven't been feeling like myself. Also, Pac Sun hired someone else for full-time while we were out of state, so I've got to look for myself a new job. Oh well.