- Been showering and had someone throw ice water on you? Nope.
- Tried to burp the alphabet? Yes.
- Been in an earthquake or tornado? Tornado.
- Gone skinny dipping? Yep.
- Fallen down the stairs? No.
- Lied about not doing something you were supposed to do? Who hasn't...
- Swam in ice cold water? Hell no.
- Eaten frog legs or some other strange food? People think liver is strange.
- Toilet papered someone's house? Yes.
- Done something dumb while camping? Not that I'm aware.
- Faked being sick so you could stay home or leave work or school early? Yes.
- Pretended to speak a foreign language you don't know? No.
- Lost part of your swim suit? Yes.
- Gone on a "bad" blind date? Yep.
- Have you ever made up a story to get out of a traffic ticket? I have yet to get a traffic ticket.
- Won a contest? Yep.
- Made a prank phone call? Before Caller I.D. was a thing, yes.
- Eaten a whole cake or a pizza by yourself? Yes.
- Seen the same movie more than twice at a theater? I sneaked into The Matrix a few times between other movies.
- Played a trick on someone or had someone play a trick on you? Possibly.
- Skipped class or a whole day of school? I skipped class in college before.
- Thrown up on an airplane or a boat? Haven't been on either.
- Been kicked or bitten by an animal? Bitten, yes.
- Sung in the shower or on the toilet? I think everyone sings in the shower.
- Locked your keys in the car or have been locked out of your house? Both.
- Spied on your neighbors? Yep.
- Shared food with your dog or cat? Yes.
- Dyed your hair and it not turn out well? Yep. Still waiting for it to grow out a little more.
- Been sky diving or scuba diving? Neither.
- Had food or drink spilled on you at a restaurant or party? Drink.
- Ridden a cow, an elephant, or some strange animal? I rode an elephant before.
- Sung in front of people by yourself? Yep.
- Had a blow-out tire while driving? Not yet.
- Gotten lost at an amusement park or on a vacation? Nope.