Wednesday, June 20, 2007


  1. Been showering and had someone throw ice water on you? Nope.
  2. Tried to burp the alphabet? Yes.
  3. Been in an earthquake or tornado? Tornado.
  4. Gone skinny dipping? Yep.
  5. Fallen down the stairs? No.
  6. Lied about not doing something you were supposed to do? Who hasn't...
  7. Swam in ice cold water? Hell no.
  8. Eaten frog legs or some other strange food? People think liver is strange.
  9. Toilet papered someone's house? Yes.
  10. Done something dumb while camping? Not that I'm aware.
  11. Faked being sick so you could stay home or leave work or school early? Yes.
  12. Pretended to speak a foreign language you don't know? No.
  13. Lost part of your swim suit? Yes.
  14. Gone on a "bad" blind date? Yep.
  15. Have you ever made up a story to get out of a traffic ticket? I have yet to get a traffic ticket.
  16. Won a contest? Yep.
  17. Made a prank phone call? Before Caller I.D. was a thing, yes.
  18. Eaten a whole cake or a pizza by yourself? Yes.
  19. Seen the same movie more than twice at a theater? I sneaked into The Matrix a few times between other movies.
  20. Played a trick on someone or had someone play a trick on you? Possibly.
  21. Skipped class or a whole day of school? I skipped class in college before.
  22. Thrown up on an airplane or a boat? Haven't been on either.
  23. Been kicked or bitten by an animal? Bitten, yes.
  24. Sung in the shower or on the toilet? I think everyone sings in the shower.
  25. Locked your keys in the car or have been locked out of your house? Both.
  26. Spied on your neighbors? Yep.
  27. Shared food with your dog or cat? Yes.
  28. Dyed your hair and it not turn out well? Yep. Still waiting for it to grow out a little more.
  29. Been sky diving or scuba diving? Neither.
  30. Had food or drink spilled on you at a restaurant or party? Drink.
  31. Ridden a cow, an elephant, or some strange animal? I rode an elephant before.
  32. Sung in front of people by yourself? Yep.
  33. Had a blow-out tire while driving? Not yet.
  34. Gotten lost at an amusement park or on a vacation? Nope.

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