Sunday, May 31, 2009

Post-Partum Visits

Katie and Olga stopped by to visit. Olga had an extra pink gloworm that she gave to Leah. I had been looking for one since Jac has a blue one, but I haven't been able to find one.

Leah pooped all over Katie. Worst diaper explosion ever! Jac had fun playing with Alina and shared his toys without getting an attitude. He even told her, "Don't put cars in your mouth. They have germs on 'em."

So far, two babies aren't overwhelming. Jac has been helpful getting diapers for me and sitting quietly next to me when I feed Leah. And she's really not even a fussy baby. She cries when she's hungry and that's about it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I can't believe I've got a daughter. She's such a good baby, too. Mawmaw came over to visit and hold Bean this afternoon. She cries, but not too often. She doesn't like having a wet diaper AT ALL.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Birth Story

My Leah Louise is here! She was born May 25, 2009 at 1:23pm, weighing 7 pounds; 6 ounces, 19.5 inches long. She looks exactly like Zac's mom's newborn picture. Her name was so hard to choose because I liked so many, but one night I had a dream that I had a dark-haired baby girl. She was wearing a frilly pink dress. I picked her up and called her "Leah" so the name stuck.

The birth story:

Zac and I arrived at the hospital Sunday night around 11:30. I was brought into the room and dressed into the hospital gown, then given Cervidil. Around 1:30am, I was hooked up to a fetal monitor and given an IV with Pitocin. I stupidly declined a sleeping pill... My contractions were coming regularly every 10-30 minutes, each lasting 20-60 seconds. I managed to fall asleep for a few hours.

Around 6am, I woke up stronger contractions that were four minutes apart and lasting forever each. I buzzed the nurse and she came in to discover the Cervidil had come out, so she had to push it back in (ouch). Zac basically slept the whole time this was going on.

At 12pm, I was given an epidural and catheter, both of which were unpleasant. I was feeling incredible pressure on my pelvis and wasn't benefiting from the epidural at all. The pain was growing more intense and the nurses kept adjusting the dosage of anesthesia, but nothing was working. It was discovered that the epidural actually went into a vein. Mom and Zac were told to leave the room and I was given another epidural. Almost instant relief, except when they had to take the tape off my back. One long strip of what felt like duct tape from my shoulder to my butt, peeled off. Horrible.

The second epidural numbed my legs and lower abdomen, but I had a hot spot on my left side where all the contractions and birthing pain was concentrated. Leah's heart rate started dropping and I had to roll to my left side, then I started crying. I basically jumped from four centimeters to ten within the hour. My doctor arrived and broke my water and the nurse didn't get a chance to say "Let me know when you feel like pushing" before I screamed "I gotta push!" Five pushes and my baby girl popped out, slippery and gross and so perfect. I tore from Point A to Point B.

I was brought to the recovery room and spent a lot of snuggle time with Leah. Jena and Quinn came to see me and pass the baby around. They brought me a snoball. Mom went to pick up Dad and Jac and I introduced Big Brother to Little Sister. His face was so bashful and excited to see her... I cried a little. 

I had visitors! Cindy brought Miles to see me, then Katie, Olga and Alina stopped by, then Christina and Steve came. Even Kenny and Zac's grandma, Bonnie dropped in.

There was confusion over my discharge papers this morning. I was told I could go home, then I had to stay, and then I could go again. It was crazy. I had everything packed up already and it was really great to be able to just walk around right after the birth. I couldn't do that with Jac.

Marie and her family came by the apartment to visit for a little while and it's been such a busy, amazing day.

Friday, May 22, 2009

39 weeks

I went to my NST appointment. So far, I'm dilated two centimeters! I kept having a ton of contractions, some of which were difficult to manage. Dr. L wants to go ahead and admit me this Sunday! He's mostly worried about the cord around Bean's neck and wants to induce. I didn't want to be induced, but it's just three days early, so I'm okay with it. I'm so excited to meet my baby girl!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 39 weeks.
Size of baby: A mini watermelon!
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Stretchy pajama pants.
Gender: Girl!
Movement: Mainly her shifting herself around.
Sleep: I could use more.
What I miss: Being comfortable.
Cravings: Chinese.
Symptoms: Tired, achy.
Best moment this week: Dilation! And less than a week closer!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Jena and Quinn came over and we played Life. I've been having contractions most of the day and it's been uncomfortable, so board games proved to be a good distraction. I can't believe this pregnancy is almost over! I think I ate too many cookies.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Putt Putt

Zac and I were invited on a group date with Sean and Pam, Kyle and Ashley. We played putt putt and cheated our way through ten courses. Sean won, which we all expected, but Zac and Kyle were the only ones to get a hole-in-one. We ate dinner at Applebees and are going to be spending the night at Sean's. I guess it's like a couple's slumber party.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jac is Three!

Happy 3rd birthday, Bud!

You love the color red. Cars and Toy Story are your favorite movies, though you do like a few others. Your favorite toys are puzzles and cars and, of course, Henry.
Lately, you've been liking bed time stories. You aren't interested in potty training, though I wish you were. Your favorite TV shows are Wonder Pets and Yo Gabba Gabba. You're so funny and sweet, and super affectionate. I love you so much my little man.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Jac's Third Birthday Party

Jac won't be three for another five days, but we celebrated a bit early with a small party. I decided to put my gigantic self in the pool with my baby dude and let him splash around for a bit. It felt good to be so light for a change. And the water wasn't so cold, which was a plus.

Jac took a nap so I sent Zac to the store for birthday party stuff. It was hard keeping Jac out of the kitchen once he smelled cupcakes. Like a moth to a flame...

Mom and Dad arrived around 5:30. They brought me Meredith's baby bed for Bean, as well as some more baby clothes.

I sent Dad downstairs to put Jac in the car so I could hurry and put the Spongebob decorations around the apartment. My parents treated us to Italian Pie for dinner.

When we got back to the apartment, Zac and I hurried upstairs to light the #3 candle. Jac's little face was priceless. He loved the cupcakes and the balloons... all the smiles. His last birthday as an only child.

I think he liked his party. The past two years, he's had to share his birthday with Mother's Day, but today was all about him. 

Mom and Dad are keeping him for the week so I can go to my appointments and get as much sleep as I can. I'm going to go crazy, though. No internet and no kiddo? What am I going to do with myself?!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I dropped Jac off at Mawmaw's and went to my NST appointment. I'm not dilating yet, but my cervix has softened which means I could start dilating next week. Getting close! Three more weeks.

My blood pressure is still normal and my swelling went down. I'm considering another epidural, but haven't made up my mind. Hopefully, I won't be sick this time and will be able to remember everything and rest and be comfortable.

Zac and I started watching The Office. I didn't want to because EVERYONE has been watching it, but it's really not a terrible show. I like that there isn't a laugh track. That always drove me crazy in Friends.

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: About 37 weeks.
Size of baby: A large cantaloupe!
Total weight gain/loss: 22 or 23 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Stretchy pants.
Gender: Girl!
Movement: It's slow, more like shoulders turning.
Sleep: Not much this week.
What I miss: Being not-pregnant.
Cravings: Chocolate.
Symptoms: Uncomfortable, tired, crabby.
Best moment this week: Jac being a cuddlebug in the mornings.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Still Pregnant

We still don't have Internet, so we've been hanging out at Sean's in Covington a lot. We're also waiting on a part for the freezer, but I think it would just be easier to switch out our freezer for another. There's a vacant apartment down the hall, so maybe maintenance would be open to the idea.

I'm ready for this baby bump to be done. I can't get comfortable at all lately. She's so low and heavy. And someone is ready to see his baby sister.