Saturday, May 9, 2009

Jac's Third Birthday Party

Jac won't be three for another five days, but we celebrated a bit early with a small party. I decided to put my gigantic self in the pool with my baby dude and let him splash around for a bit. It felt good to be so light for a change. And the water wasn't so cold, which was a plus.

Jac took a nap so I sent Zac to the store for birthday party stuff. It was hard keeping Jac out of the kitchen once he smelled cupcakes. Like a moth to a flame...

Mom and Dad arrived around 5:30. They brought me Meredith's baby bed for Bean, as well as some more baby clothes.

I sent Dad downstairs to put Jac in the car so I could hurry and put the Spongebob decorations around the apartment. My parents treated us to Italian Pie for dinner.

When we got back to the apartment, Zac and I hurried upstairs to light the #3 candle. Jac's little face was priceless. He loved the cupcakes and the balloons... all the smiles. His last birthday as an only child.

I think he liked his party. The past two years, he's had to share his birthday with Mother's Day, but today was all about him. 

Mom and Dad are keeping him for the week so I can go to my appointments and get as much sleep as I can. I'm going to go crazy, though. No internet and no kiddo? What am I going to do with myself?!

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