Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stingers and Shopping

I was stung by a wasp for the first time ever today! I was riding on the motorcycle with Zac and we happened to drive past a wasp at just the right angle for its stinger to catch my middle finger on my left hand, which was resting on my thigh. What are the odds? The stinger barely touched me and the pain is so intense. I've put my finger in ice, but the pain remains.

I took Jac on a Mama-and-Son date to the mall to buy him some new jeans. He's in a transitional size, so the 3T are too small, but the 4T are too big. I had him look in the mirror to give me an opinion and he turned around right away to admire his butt. I said, "What are you doing?" and he said, "Just looking at my butt!" He's such a character.

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