Yesterday, Elias was itching a bit on his knees and elbows, so I assumed he was bitten by a mosquito. This morning, he was itching to the point of irritating his knees, where I found small, raised bumps. I found more bumps down his legs, on his feet, and on his arms. As the day progressed, so did his itching. More rashy spots were on the palms of his hands and the back of his neck and into his hairline. I gave him an oatmeal bath, but the rash was still angry-looking. I decided to bring him to the emergency room down the street just in case.
He was given Benadryl and diagnosed with "viral exanthem"... I guess it's a contact rash? The doctors weren't sure. Anyway, he's asleep and not itching, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.