Wednesday, July 18, 2018

20 weeks, 1 day

Mom traded cars with me this morning so I could drive to the doctor in something that would get me there without worries. I dropped my big kids off with Zac around 9am, then headed to Canton. I'm a little bothered that my OB moved over that way because it's a longer drive. I can't imagine laboring in a car that long... Yikes.

ANYWAY. The appointment was super thorough. The tech checked for a cleft palate, correct chambers in his heart, spine length, etc. It was crazy how much I could see on the screen compared to even being pregnant with Elias so few years ago. He's got Zac's nose and lips, which made him look so much like Leah's ultrasound pictures, minus her little round cheeks. I just can't wait to see him.

Pregnancy highlights:
How far along: 20 weeks, 1 day.
Size of baby: Banana!
Total weight gain/loss: 16 pounds heavier.
Maternity clothes: Still leggings, though they're getting snug.
Gender: Still very much a boy. I had her check again, just in case.
Movement: A lot in the afternoon and right before bed. He's sitting low on my hips and doesn't like when I lean forward.
Cravings: Nothing specific anymore, just hungry more often.
Symptoms: Hungry, tired, random spurts of energy.
Best moment this week: Everything looked perfect on his scan. No worries.

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