I contacted the funeral home that dealt with Emily's ashes and wanted to see when I could bring Dad's and get my urn finished. Unfortunately, they changed their policy because they accidentally broke someone's urn and had to pay to replace it, so they no longer accept outside containers. Lovely. I did some mental debating with myself and decided I would fill it myself. I picked it because it looks like something he'd like and it was less than $20, and I wasn't about to spend $100 on an urn the funeral home provided. So, I did it. And it sucked so much. I had to keep telling myself it was just dust, not Dad, but it was definitely something I don't think I want to do again. When I got home, I settled him on his shelf with his things. I did notice, however, that Emily's is much lighter, so I wonder if I over-filled or if they didn't put enough in hers... I dunno. It doesn't really matter, does it? I told Zac I probably just have Emily's middle finger. But that's all done. I even put some of Dad's ashes in Karen's necklace she picked out, even though I was reluctant for two reasons: 1. it's a very small opening and maybe holds a pinch. 2. She hasn't spoken to me since January and has basically "disowned" me because I'm friends with Krystal... go figure. Anyhoo, that's that. I'm sad and just want to sleep.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Zac picked up Dunkin' Donuts this morning and one of their not-too-bad pumpkin spice coffees. We spent most of the day somewhat restless, but ended up taking the kids and dogs on a walk. Cole got excited to run along the path and scraped his little knees up, but he's a trooper. Both little boys were exhausted. Elias peddled his tricycle while Leah rode her scooter. Jac walked the stroller for us. It was a nice day. I can feel autumn coming, though it may be side effects from the two hurricanes approaching the southern coast. My Louisiana gals are doing alright so far, though. This evening we went on a bike ride and I didn't get a single bug in my eye... that's been something of a common occurrence lately if we head out after 7pm. I've had two separate bugs get into my eye and had to dig them out while leaving a leg piece behind. Disgusting. Anyway, Zac and I spent some time doing artsy things this evening. I started working on the church's nursery paintings, but need to buy more white. Zac drew Charlie Jones from Coraline and cooked dinner. It's felt like a long Sunday, but I'm glad. I like having him home.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Ashes to ashes...
Back in July, I tried to get in touch with the hospital to see when I'd be getting Dad back. I never heard anything from them aside from a "we'll call you next week" and a month goes by. Today, I sent Jac out to get the mail and he asked, "What did you order that weighs so much??" I noticed a much smaller package from Stardust Memorials (the urn) on top and then it clicked what was so heavy. Dad's ashes.
It is odd to think that he fits in a small box. I opened it to see what sort of container he was put in and it was just a little plastic box with a bag of ashes. Cue emotional overload. Things felt heavy. A few weeks ago I was sorting through my Box of Things and came across some letters Dad had written me while I was in college. He put in little comic strips from newspapers, or he'd type something silly or something meaningful. He always signed his name in ink, though. I had a good cry in my closet while Zac had all the kids on a Door Dash delivery. It was refreshing and sad and something I think I needed. I haven't really let myself grieve my dad like I did for Emily.
This evening, I brought the ashes to Mom's. It was weird. I put my purse on the box, which triggered some emotion because Dad used to hold my purse for me if I needed to use a public bathroom or carry a baby, or something else. He never minded that, but it was like pulling teeth for him to purchase feminine products. Anyway, I got to Mom's and she put him on a shelf in her closet until she can go get the ashes divided into various containers for people.