Jac's gums are in bad shape with gingivitis, which he inherited from Zac and me. I hate it for him. He's only 16. He's been flossing and using mouthwash, but the dentist said it could be HOW he's brushing. So, we spent about $60 on a spin brush, special toothpaste, and mouthwash. He goes back in July and I'm really hoping there's an improvement. His gums have already started receding and there's a yeast issue on his gums. So I'm gonna crack down on getting him to be responsible with his oral hygiene.
Leah has five cavities, which I figured would be a result as she doesn't brush her teeth often. She's getting three fillings next week and two sometime after that. Otherwise, her teeth are in great condition.
Elias had a great visit. No cavities, but we're not doing the best job brushing his front top and bottom teeth, so we have to work on that. He's good at reminding us he needs his teeth brushed. The bad news it he needs braces in the next year or two. He has large spaces between his front six top teeth and it will cause issues losing baby teeth and growing adult teeth. I don't know how I feel about him having braces while he's little because his teeth will shift as he grows. He still has 8 molars waiting to come in. I'll know more at the next appointment.
Cole has healthy teeth. No cavities, no worries.
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