Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Earlier this month, Cole was diagnosed with phimosis. We tried a steroid cream, but it didn't work, so he was scheduled for surgery to fix it. Zac was able to come with me, so we got to the hospital for 7:30. Cole is the most patient of my kids. He sits still, doesn't whine or complain, and is usually content to watch whatever is on the TV or to watch other people. He had his procedure and we were able to be discharged around 12:30. Dr. B said he's glad we came when we did because Cole was on the verge of another infection. We were all starving by the time we left, but like I said, the kid doesn't complain. We picked up some lunch and got home. He started feeling pains after he ate, so we started medication doses. That baby, he must've been in agony. For the first hour he was home, he just screamed and couldn't be still. Once the meds kicked in, he was able to relax a little. He sat in my lap and watched Coraline before feeling pain again. I've been overwhelmed, mostly because his cries overstimulate me and I KNOW he's in pain, but I also can't do anything about it. When he was a baby, I could nurse him and hold him, but right now I can't do anything but empathize (which is draining) and just be there. He's very good at taking deep breaths, but changing his training pants is a very difficult job because he's so sensitive to touch. It makes him shaky and he has a hard time calming back down. He did take a nap for a little while and we've been on top of making sure he has his medicine. Before bed, he was feeling more like himself. He was wanting to walk around and show us his Lego creations with occasional bouts of pain that didn't last long. I really hope he sleeps tonight. I feel he might wake up at some point in the night, but I'm hoping he gets some good rest.

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