Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas 2005

Zac and I have the house to ourselves since Mawmaw in in Mexico for the holidays. We're pup-sitting Mac and Otis while she's away. Our Christmas was cozy. I didn't feel like riding in the car to visit my family, so we spent it together. We played WoW and had our own tiny Christmas dinner of canned vegetables and a rotisserie chicken and watched a few Christmas movies. I fell down in the shower this evening since my belly is throwing me off balance, but everything is okay. Bud wasn't moving for a little while, so Zac started yelling at him and he fluttered. There's no blood, so I'm not stressing. I'm annoyingly clumsy right now, even with a small belly. I've got bruises and scratches all over from bumping into all the things. We're going to stay up late and see how many times we can watch A Christmas Story while it runs its marathon on TV.

Happy Holidays, from us *clink*.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

It's a...

I had an ultrasound this afternoon. We are definitely having a baby boy! His growth was on target, heartbeat was strong. I could see his little skull and spine, hands and feet, etc. It was awesome! My perfect baby boy.

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 18 weeks.
Size of baby: A bell pepper!
Total weight gain/loss: Gained about 15 pounds.
Maternity clothes: I live in my maternity overalls.
Gender: Boy!!
Movement: Yes, though it isn't very strong yet.
Sleep: Super tired with many naps, but random bouts of energy. Vivid dreams.
What I miss: Nothing right now.
Cravings: Taco Bell's bean burritos and ice. I want to crunch ice often.
Symptoms: Sore boobs, frequent trips to pee, super tired, not so nauseated anymore.
Best moment this week: Feeling him kick.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Congrats to Meredith! She's the proud mama to Baby Molly.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Just One Little Thing...

I was sitting at the counter in Mawmaw's kitchen, sipping hot chocolate and daydreaming about Bud and baby names and sushi. Zac was letting Zoey outside to do her business, when he came back in and asked me to go outside with him to see how pretty the sky looked. I was hesitant to go outside because it's cold and Mawmaw's kitchen was warm and cozy. When we were dating, we were walking around the mall and he kept hinting that we go into B. Dalton, a bookstore. I kept telling him no, that we had to hurry and get home, yaddayaddayadda. Later, I found out he wanted to buy me a book I'd had my eye on for a while. I didn't want to disappoint him again, so, despite the freezing cold, I said, "Alright."

Sure enough, the moon was bright, the sky was cloudy and blue-grey. I was shivering, so Zac put his arm around me. We were just looking up at the sky at the moon when he asked, "Will you marry me?" Obviously, I said, "Of course!" and kissed him on the cheek. That's when he pulled out a little white box and said, "No, really, will you marry me?" Needless to say, I'm engaged! I think Bud could feel my excitement because I felt the tiniest of tiny flutters tonight while I was lying on the bed.

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Home Date

I had an OB appointment Monday, but didn't get an ultrasound. I still don't know for sure if Bud is a boy or a girl. According to Dr. N, I'm healthy and gained a few more pounds. My tests were clear and Bud's growing on schedule with a strong heartbeat. I go back in three weeks for another check-up.

Zac surprised me with a home-date last night. He set us up with popcorn and hot chocolate and we watched an Ellen special on HBO. I love Ellen. I don't think we've laughed so much in a long time. Man, it's going to be so weird having a baby squished between us on the bed in a few months, but I'm looking forward to it.