Saturday, October 15, 2016

Dark and Light

It's been an up-and-down week. Wednesday was rough. Three years have passed since the miscarriage and I'm sometimes surprised how sad I still am, or not sad enough... I dunno. I cried and ate candy. Emily came over and brought a beautiful anniversary gift for Zac and me. I also managed to snag another solo for the Christmas cantata at church this year.

Mom kept the kids Thursday evening, so Zac took me to Outback for dinner. Just us. I don't remember the last time we had a date without the kids coming along. More than two years, I'm sure. We had a fantastic server named John, who paid for our dessert. He was so kind. Zac and I were going to stay out a little later after dinner, but we were just so tired and wanted to get our pajamas on, hah! We've been married for ten whole years. It's hard to believe so much time has passed when it still feels like we just got together a few months ago. 

We finally went for a walk around the neighborhood with the dogs in tow. My knee is not completely healed, but I can manage without my crutches. Riding my bike is something I'm still unsure about, but the walking is nice. I don't think I've talked about my knee since it happened, but it's almost completely back to normal. I can stand in the shower, climb the stairs, and get around like usual. Going downstairs is a little awkward because of the sudden weight, but it's getting better. It's a huge relief to be off the crutches, though. Anyway, we took a walk and I collected a few leaves in different shades of color, as well as a perfect pine cone and acorn.

We went to Fernando's for dinner since the kids eat free on Saturdays. I forgot to bring baby food, so Elias ate his first enchilada. The kids were on their best behavior (as almost always) and we had a nice evening together without spills or quarrels or crying. Phew!

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