Saw this online and I haven't really had much to write about sooooo.
1. Do you like bleu cheese? NO.
2. Do you own a gun? Nope.
3. What flavor Kool-aid? The clear one, but I don't think they make it anymore.
4. Do you get nervous before a doctor appointment? Always.
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I like the vegetarian ones.
6. What is your favorite movie? Edward Scissorhands and Alice in Wonderland.
7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee, tea, or water.
8. Can you do a push-up? Not anymore.
9. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I like my wedding band.
10. Do you have A.D.D? No.
11. Do you wear glasses? I probably should.
12. Who was your childhood idol? Shirley Manson.
13. Name three thoughts you have right now? I'm tired. Do I want chips. I should work out tomorrow.
14. Name three drinks you drink: Coffee. Water. Tea.
15. Current worries? My pains I'm having.
16. Things I hate? Arrogance. Politics.
17. Favorite place to be? Target.
18. How did you bring in the New Year? Zac and I watched a movie and went to bed.
19. Where would you like to travel to? France. Ireland.
20. Do you own slippers? I do.
21. What color is your shirt? Black.
22. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Hate it.
23. Can you whistle? I could before my wisdom teeth were removed.
24. Where are you now? In bed.
25. Would you be a pirate? Yes.
26. Favorite food? Mexican.
27. What's in your back pocket? My phone.
28. Last thing that made you laugh? Jena.
29. What's your favorite animal? Alpaca, fox, French bulldog.
30. What's your worst medical problem? Anxiety.
31. How many TVs in your house? 3.
32. Worst pain? Betrayal.
33. Do you like to dance? I do.
34. Are your parents living? One is.
35. Do you enjoy camping? Sure.