Over the weekend, we decided to finally paint the kids' rooms. We have a small, three-bedroom house where Jac has a loft bed that Leah sleeps under on her mattress on the floor. She had one of two bunk beds (we gave the other to Rachel for Payton to use), so her sleeping arrangement was temporary. Elias was using his convertible crib as a toddler bed and Cole is still sleeping in our room in his bassinet or our bed. After some pros and cons, we decided to put Jac in his own room with Elias' bed (now a crib) for Cole, and let Leah and Elias share a trundle. We ordered her bed, two mattresses, some bedding, and chairs. Meanwhile, we started painting. I picked white because the grey was just way too dark. Below you'll see some before, during, and after pics. Unfortunately, Leah tossed her mattress to the curb before I could get a picture of it beneath Jac's bed. We still need to buy some screws for Leah's shelves, but I'm super happy with how everything turned out. I may also need to switch out the light bulbs. The pics are showing an orange hue.
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