Monday, March 16, 2020

So um... How 'bout that virus?

I know zombies aren't real. I know they aren't, but with this coronavirus going on, one would think we're finding ourselves in a Walking Dead situation. Streets are empty, shops are closed, grocery shelves are empty of many things. It's surreal and a little scary. While I'm prone to anxiety attacks and feel sick to my stomach if I dwell on bad things too long, I'm trying to stay calm and remind myself that this is a treatable, low-fatality virus. My family and I tend to dodge the flu season every year, though we do catch a common cold now and then, but I'm on top of my germ game and am going to do my best to avoid people. Not like I don't already as a stay-at-home mom, homeschooler, and introvert. My only errands are hanging out at Target and Hobby Lobby and I haven't been to either for a few weeks. I can't really go out as it is because pollen is everywhere. I'm trying to stay away from panicked news and focus on hanging with my kiddos, playing board games, reading books, and watching shows. When I do check the news, I look at recovery rates and healing and pictures of alpacas.

Stay inside, don't panic, and wash your hands.

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