Sunday, January 9, 2022


I started getting allergies after we got back from Krystal's. I figured it was because they vape in the house and have cats. I also spent time outside, which tends to give me allergies. Cole even gagged up a wad of mucus and ran a fever when we got home, which we figured was maybe from teeth or something. The rest of the fam was feeling alright, but my sinuses would only be tamed with Benadryl. I made an appointment at the Urgent Care to see about maybe getting a Covid test, but the wait time was indefinite and I didn't have the typical symptoms. Three hours passed and we decided to leave. Ashley insisted we were fine and to come over to exchange gifts... so we did. The kids played together and I started feeling better. A few days later, Zac develops a cough. Then the big kids get a cough and low fever and sore throats. Then Elias. So, we made appointments to go through the drive-up clinic. Zac got tested per his job request and sure enough, positive. Once I started getting chest-tightening and a cough a few days later, I got tested and it was positive. I'm 100% the kids have it as well.

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