Monday, February 9, 2009

Dental Work

I've got my mouth fixed for now. My left two wisdom teeth have been pulled and the cavities have been replaced with metal. My mouth is throbbing, but I'm okay. I've been eating mashed potatoes and yogurt and trying to sleep as much as I can. Mom and Dad have Jac so I can rest and recover, but I miss his sweet little face and his hugs. He's so affectionate these days, it just melts me.

Bean's been feisty today. She's been kicking me like crazy. I put my phone on my belly and it's like a boat in a hurricane.

For your entertainment, I wrote you a poem.

How lovely it is to grow old,
to be told you resemble a toad.
Your hips have gone creaky,
your bladder is leaky,
and your privates begin to grow mold.

You're welcome.

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