We spent Thanksgiving with Mawmaw. The kids ran around with Francesca, Leah stepped in poop, and Mawmaw gave me a manger for my nativity set.
My parents visited last week. Mom took me shopping and we basically finished the Christmas lists. I kinda wish they'd visit more, but hopefully Zac gets a job soon and we can move. I'm hoping this third opportunity gives us some hope.
Ruby is getting noticeably bigger and she's house-training a little better. We're still dealing with accidents now and then, but not as often as before. She's so feisty, but so sweet.
I've started crocheting some Christmas stockings for our little family. So far, I hate the results, but I don't want to unravel and start over again. Argh! Maybe I will, but no pictures until they're all complete. All four of them... four. Hideous. Blech.
Anyway, I'm excited about all the decorations being barfed out this time of year. I put our tree up last week, but most of the lights are burnt out. I've got a list for better ornaments. I want big, colorful ornaments and white lights. Maybe even a star for the top.
Zac is working his Black Friday shift. He's lucky he only works about four hours. This is my first Black Friday in three years that I haven't had to work. All of those times were at least nine hours. He'll be home soon.