Friday, November 29, 2013

Random Update

We spent Thanksgiving with Mawmaw. The kids ran around with Francesca, Leah stepped in poop, and Mawmaw gave me a manger for my nativity set.

My parents visited last week. Mom took me shopping and we basically finished the Christmas lists. I kinda wish they'd visit more, but hopefully Zac gets a job soon and we can move. I'm hoping this third opportunity gives us some hope.

Ruby is getting noticeably bigger and she's house-training a little better. We're still dealing with accidents now and then, but not as often as before. She's so feisty, but so sweet.

I've started crocheting some Christmas stockings for our little family. So far, I hate the results, but I don't want to unravel and start over again. Argh! Maybe I will, but no pictures until they're all complete. All four of them... four. Hideous. Blech.

Anyway, I'm excited about all the decorations being barfed out this time of year. I put our tree up last week, but most of the lights are burnt out. I've got a list for better ornaments. I want big, colorful ornaments and white lights. Maybe even a star for the top.

Zac is working his Black Friday shift. He's lucky he only works about four hours. This is my first Black Friday in three years that I haven't had to work. All of those times were at least nine hours. He'll be home soon.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Birthday, Painting, Crochet

I've been meaning to sit down and write for the past two weeks, but nothing came to mind. I would sit and type something, backspace, and close the window. I've been sad, mostly. There have been happy days, but the sad is there, simmering on the back burner, occasionally requiring a stir or two. I don't like being sad. The waves come unpredictably and I can't seem to control my emotions.

It's Zac's birthday and I shouldn't be sad, but I am. Zac's been trying to help. I miss my humor.

Zac and I visited my parents this past weekend. We stayed Friday night and left Saturday night. It was a nice visit, even though it was short. Jac didn't want to go back home. Leah was even brave enough to experience the water jets.

We had to return home Saturday night because I had to work Sunday morning. It was a crazy Sunday, that's for sure. I worked the morning shift, we were completely out of chocolate frosting, and I had to leave earlier than scheduled in order to get home and change, then make it to Francesca's party on time. Not to mention Leah having a tummy ache and refusing to take her medicine, but pleading to go to the party. So much chaos, but it was fun. The party was at Painting With A Twist.

We drove to Mawmaw's to pick up Ruby and I visited with Amber for a bit. She's still such a sweetheart. I just wish she didn't bring out the allergies.

I started watching Bones as a grief-distraction. I've caught up to current episodes, so after browsing new shows, I discovered New Girl and love it. I've even started crocheting again. I think I make more things for the kids' toys than for the actual kids. Leah's happy, though. She's been more interested in her doll lately, so she asked me to make a few clothing pieces and a blanket next. The blanket pictured in the background was actually made by Dad, not me.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Zac surprised me with a cake last night. He even lit candles on top, all of which Jac and Leah insisted on blowing out for me. This morning, he stopped by the apartment while making a delivery run and brought me a box of macarons.

I was going to buy more macarons, but had to work tonight. I forgot my birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, but I was able to roll, bake, and decorate a cake of my choice. I used the Birthday Cake batter and covered it in the Sugar Cookie sprinkles and it is probably the best-tasting cookie cake ever.

The dogs have been getting along pretty well. Ruby seems to be the dominant one and chases and/or bites Toby. Toby wants to play with her, but I think he's afraid of hurting her. He's very submissive. They're sweet when they want to be and so snuggly. I moved their cages next to each other, so Ruby has been sleeping better overnight.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sometimes I miss Myspace

Everyone on social media is posting a 30-things-I'm-thankful-for-(while-I-bitch-the-rest-of-the-year) statuses. I'm assuming that since Thanksgiving falls in November and November contains 30 days, the Thankful Police announce their arrival with 30 days of useless information. I don't post Thankful Statuses because I'm thankful for things every day without condensing them all to one month.

I can offer a random "About me" since that seems to be floating around. I used to love filling those things out. Remember Myspace? Me neither, but there were lots of "surveys".

  • I was homeschooled for nearly my entire school-aged life.
  • I've never been able to keep my resolutions, except for Stop Smoking. I haven't had a cigarette in almost three years.
  • I taught myself to knit and crochet.
  • I can type 85 words per minute, but I type incorrectly. I memorized the keys while spending time in AOL chatrooms. I took a typing class, but couldn't break the habit.
  • I don't wear makeup. Occasionally I'll wear eyeliner, but nothing else.
  • Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays.
  • I'm a Daddy's Girl.
  • My name was going to be Vanessa. It means "butterfly". 
  • I've had 12 jobs since I was 17. Bath & Body Works is my longest employment of three years.
  • My initials make up my favorite things: Art, Music, Books, Crochet.
  • I've only had two boyfriends, Zac being one of them.
  • I used to have 14 piercings, but removed 9 of them.
  • I've known Jena more than 20 years.
  • Garbage is my favorite band. Their music helped me get through the dark parts of my adolescence.
  • My absolute favorite mixed drink is an amaretto sour.