About two weeks ago, Elias developed a rash. It was mostly concentrated to his elbows and cheeks and looked a lot like eczema, but also like a heat rash. I took him to the doctor and was told it was probably from using a different detergent (Tide) which caused a reaction, though why it was only in patches by his elbows and even on his cheeks, I have no idea. Dr. Y said it also looked like scabies, but if that were the case, all of us would have similar rashes. So he's been on an anti-itch medication as well as a topical and so far the rash is nearly gone. He's been such a cheery little fella, even while itching.
A cold front came through earlier this week, so we've been trying to go outside more. The mosquitoes are still quite active in spite of the repellent trucks that go by. My citronella candle is proving useless as I was bitten twice while said candle was lit beside me on the patio bench. I'm ready to move north and get colder weather sooner so mosquitoes disappear back into the depths of hell from whence they spawned.