Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Yesterday, the three kiddos had their wellness checkups. All three were poked on the finger to check their iron levels and all three came back normal, even Elias, who was nearly anemic just a month ago. All weight and height was average for their ages, no vaccinations until Elias is four, Leah is twelve, and Jac is sixteen. We go back next year. Hopefully by then, Elias won't yell at Dr. Y, "I don't like you, Doctor!" or freak out when I set him on the exam table. I know he's got anxiety, but jeez. When Dr. Y asked the kids what they want to be when they grow up, Jac answered, "A video game designer." Leah answered, "A marine biologist or a vet." And my special smallest answered, "A goat."

Meanwhile, I went to my appointment this morning and my uncooperative youngest would not budge from his comfy place, sitting upright on my bladder, for a good profile picture. So, the tech did the best she could and I was able to see his little chubby cheeks, nose, and very open eyes. His heart was strong, measurements are 27 weeks, 1 day (right on schedule), and everything with me is okie dokie. I was surprised by the glucose test and felt like maybe they could've told me it was coming as I ate a toaster pastry this morning, but luckily I passed and won't need to take it again. Phew! Also, I didn't puke, thankfully. Unless that's just with the orange one? Gross either way.

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 27 weeks, 1 day
Size of baby: Eggplant!
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 26 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Yep.
Gender: A boy.
Cravings: None.
Symptoms: Sciatic nerve and pelvic pain. Mild vertigo once in a while. Allergies.
Best moment this week: Hearing his heart beating, seeing his little face.

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