Sunday, April 28, 2019

Cole 5 months

Baby Cole is FIVE months old!

He can almost sit up unassisted, but will roll over onto his back or go completely forward and get upset. He can also kick his legs really hard and scoot himself from a sitting position to laying down. He's starting to feel okay with tummy time and has been reaching for toys and pushing himself up with his arms. He can roll from his tummy to his back, which makes him mad. When I walk in the same room he's in, he will twist his whole body and head around to find me, then start crying because I'm not holding him (lol). I started letting him sit in Elias' walker and he's been pretty good about sitting. He often prefers it to the swing. He also enjoys watching Friends. I've put on other TV shows and movies, but Friends is the only one he turns to look at. Just recently he started refusing bottles, so even with breastmilk or formula, he won't take a bottle. It's a little stressful when he's in the church nursery, but if he's in the harness, it's not a big deal. He's also teething like crazy right now. So much drool and random fevers. I don't see any teeth yet, but he definitely has some ridges getting ready to pop through. And he bites hard! Breastfeeding is starting to get me anxious because I've been bitten a few times already. Not cool!

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