Monday, April 29, 2019

Quality Time

Having a lot of kids means I don't get a lot of one-on-one time with them. I've started picking one day a week to spend with each and take him or her to do something, just us.

My first outing was with Elias. I left the other three with Zac and my Number 3 and I went to Target's Starbucks for a coffee (me) and a cake pop (him). Next, we hung out at PetSmart looking at fish before heading back home for brother snuggles and a nap.

My next outing was with Leah. She wanted to get frozen yogurt, but it was Sunday and many places weren't open for the day or hadn't opened yet. She was disappointed and feeling a bit emotional, so I bought us some coffees and went to PetSmart to pet the cats. It wasn't long before she forgot the frozen yogurt, but convincing her we did NOT need a cat was another story. She's a fun kid to hang out with. She's quirky like Emily was.

It was super hot, so we came home to pick up the rest of the fam to try out a new ice cream shop called Ice's Corner. It wasn't bad, but I'm gonna skip on raspberry and almond next time. The flavor combo wasn't what I expected, though the colors looked like a bouquet of roses.

My next adventure will be with Jac. He hasn't decided what he wants to do yet, but we'll find out.

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