Tuesday, October 15, 2019

It's raining

It's been a rough week and it's only Tuesday.

First of all, it's pregnancy and infant loss awareness day. I've got two candles for two babies that aren't here. I find it mildly symbolic that this day is in October as I had my first loss in October while the second was due in October.

As I've previously mentioned, Sunday started off the week with Elias breaking his leg. Zac took off Monday morning to sit with the kids while I brought Elias to the bone doctor, but couldn't get an appointment until 2pm. So Zac went on to work and was home early so I could leave. Leah tagged along for I dunno what reason. I guess she was bored or something. After a few long hours, Elias was fitted for a bright red cast and we were discharged. Upon leaving, Leah started complaining about her ear hurting and spiked a fever. I gave her some medicine and got Elias situated, then headed out to a line-reading for a play I'm going to be in this December, thanks to Andrea for the part (more on that in a minute). I got home from the reading and Leah's fever was higher, she was crying (but she's dramatic, so crying happens over everything) and dizzy, so I said fuck it and brought her to the ER last night. After a brief exam, I learned she's got strep throat. A shoutout to the asshole who brought their infected kid to church Wednesday night because I'm 100% positive that's where she got it. She started crying after she took a dissolvable Zofran, then took forever to drink the ibuprofen, then started freaking out with another medicine because it was slimy and made her mouth numb. I told the nurse to pray for me, signed the discharge papers and we headed home. She went on to bed and I was finally able to just sit for a minute and recharge.

This morning, I left Jac with the younger kids and dropped Leah's prescriptions off, then headed to the grocery in the rain for Sprite and potatoes. I was a bit stressed, so I forgot to get more Ibuprofen and probiotic yogurt, but luckily Zac's break was coming up so he swung by the store and grabbed all that for me. Leah's been medicated for the day and I'm doing my best to keep that stubborn child fed and hydrated, but she doesn't want to eat, doesn't' want to drink or take medicine or rest, so I've about decided to put her outside. I won't, but I might

My line-reading went great. I'm playing the part of Bridget, who is a housekeeper for a lonely, wealthy man. He wants to rent a Christmas for the holidays. The play is cute and has a Hallmark movie vibe, but I'm excited to be doing something just for me. I'm going to tell Andrea to keep me in mind for upcoming plays, especially if she decides to direct Young Frankenstein. I have another reading tonight and I'm looking forward to it. We started attending a church group on Tuesday nights, but with the kids sick, I'm doing the reading instead while Zac takes care of the kids. I don't think we're going to church Wednesday either, especially if it's still raining since Elias' cast can't get wet. I honestly don't want to be that asshole who brings the sick kids, so when Leah's better and her antibiotic is finished, then we'll go.

I need more coffee and have a kitchen to clean, laundry to fold, and whatever else to do. Jac is helping a bunch by keeping Cole occupied for me so I can get shit done. Adieu.

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