Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter 2016

Happy Easter!

Fun story. Easter sneaked up on us this year. I bought three baskets at Hobby Lobby and shopped at Target for the initial charms, then bounced to Walmart for Pez dispensers and Tsum Tsum mystery packs.

Last night, maybe around 11pm, I realized I had no eggs or candy or grass. I hopped in the car and made a midnight run to Walmart to get the last minute things and came back home to get the baskets ready. Since Elias is too little for mystery packs and candy, the Easter Bunny left him a plush Tsum Tsum and a few eggs filled with Puffs and yogurt melts. I love the tiny baskets. It rained, so the eggs were hidden in the house, but I think the kiddos had more fun that way.

I sang a solo in the Easter cantata at church and was told I did well. Never again, though. My anxiety was through the roof. My do-something-scary is checked off for the year.

Sour watermelon Peep. Gross!

Saturday, March 26, 2016


I've changed my homeschooling curriculum from being overwhelming to more laid back. While I loved using Abeka (aside from the overly religious and old-fashioned subject matter), there was so much work involved that the kids were frustrated, mentally exhausted, and less enthusiastic about learning.

I did some searching and found some free resources online, so they've been less stressed out, more into learning, and we've got more time to do the fun stuff like crafts, art, and enjoying time outside. I don't feel like we're behind if we miss a day or two anymore. I don't feel like we need to double our lessons to catch up. Happy teacher, happy students.

We've been doing more artsy things. I bought a few bird houses from Walmart, so the kiddos painted them, we filled them with seeds, and hung them in the trees outside. I've even had time to paint and draw, even read more than one chapter in my book list. Unfortunately, I've put my crocheting on the back burner for now, but I plan to pick it up again next month.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

China Lights

A few weeks ago, I was at choir practice and the music leader mentioned going to New Orleans with his wife and granddaughters to see China Lights. I looked it up online and it sounded amazing, so I convinced Zac to take us tonight (after shopping for Tsum Tsums at the Disney store). He was leaning towards the zoo or aquarium, but I'm glad the China Lights won. It was absolutely beautiful.