Thursday, August 9, 2018

Elias is THREE!

My littlest sweetie pie pumpkin is three today!

Every morning, he comes into my room with a cheerful "good mone-in' mom", dragging his blanket behind him. He holds his hand out so I can pull him onto my bed to save him from the monsters on the floor. We snuggle, or he wants to watch TV. He's so sweet and kind, hugging Zac and me tight around the legs, snuggling the older siblings and the pets. He says "I love you so much!" and "Thanks berry much!" or "you welcome,  ha!" He's sassy, but learning that asking nicely with a "please" works while shouting demands does not. He's so funny, too. If his feelings are hurt, he'll flop onto the floor and lie very still, playing dead. Sometimes he'll come tell me "[sibling, parent, pet] is being a jerk to me." I'm trying to teach him to say "mean" but, he can be stubborn about what words he wants to use. At night, Zac and I (as well as Jac and Leah) take turns reading him bedtime stories and right after he gets tucked in, he'll grab me by the arm with, "Don't you leave me!" Sometimes I rock him or sing to him. My belly is getting bigger so he's running out of lap room, but I'll rock him til I can't.
He's a picky eater, favoring red beans and rice, but disliking pizza and most meats. We're working on etiquette when it comes to nose-picking, so if he's caught with his finger in his nose, he'll say, "Can I go hide so I can pick my nose?" He's also drinking out of regular cups without making a mess and he's still potty training.

I asked him what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday: "Green cake with a blue flower."
What kind of dinner? "Grits!" then later changed it to "Um, how bout a cheeseburger?"

I'm going to start teaching him preschool things this school year. He knows his alphabet, though has difficulty recognizing letters, can count to 15, and can hold up three fingers when asked how old he is. Walmart and Target have some work books and stickers, so when I pick up school supplies next week, they're on the list.

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