Tuesday, December 31, 2019


I've tried limiting screen time for the kids and myself, but find myself checking social media or mindlessly scrolling through feeds of people who are obviously living better than I am (or so it appears). So, I've decided that my only social media will be my blog, my Twitter, and maybe my Instagram (though I could maybe use Instagram as a business account instead of a personal one). I'm going to delete my Facebook once and for all and spend much less time scrolling along. I've unfollowed a lot of Instagram accounts that make me feel envious or uninspired, and why do I want to follow people I don't know in real life? Isn't that the point of social media? To keep in touch with real acquaintances? Also, I plan to send out birthday cards and write actual letters to people and make an effort to talk on the phone more. It's silly how technology is most likely the root of today's anxiety. I'm also going to focus on being happy with current house, current belongings, current location, etc. and stop wishing we were somewhere else. Things will work out when they're meant to and I need to be content. I can always rearrange the living room to appease the urge to move. I can't promise to work out every day, though I'll definitely make an effort to drink more water and be more active. And, I'll do my best with the social media. I only really talk to maybe 5 people these days anyway.

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