Thursday, November 22, 2018

Baby stuff and Thanksgiving

I had my prenatal appointment yesterday and have dilated to two centimeters and Bug's head is fully engaged. Dr. W doesn't think I'll make it to next week, so that's good news. I'm having early labor contractions and they're more frequent, but still too weak to be considered real labor. Needless to say, I'm uncomfortable, but excited. The appointment took about three hours, so we picked up some food at Wendy's on the way home, mostly trying to linger near the hospital since (with our luck) I'd most likely go into labor right as we got home. But I didn't. Meanwhile, all the baby prep is basically finished, though I'd like to get a portable bassinet since all the Christmas gifts are in the crib along with the baby shower diapers and wipes I don't have a place for just yet.

Pregnancy highlights:
How far along: 38 weeks, 2 days
Size of baby: Watermelon!
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 40 pounds
Maternity clothes: Shirts.
Gender: Boy.
Movement: Lots of jabs.
Cravings: Ice. I actually chipped a tooth the other day from crunching ice cubes, so that's fun. Luckily, I have a dentist appointment December 11.
Symptoms: Pelvic floor is sensitive and feels like it's on fire.
Best moment this week: Making progress!

* * * * *

This year, we got a turkey and decided that since I can't travel far from home and our friends and family either live too far away or made plans, we'd just do something at home, just us. Zac watched a Gordon Ramsay tutorial on how to cook a turkey, so he followed it and spent all day in the kitchen by himself making a Thanksgiving dinner. He did such an awesome job, I was totally impressed. Everything was so good. It made me so glad that we decorated for Christmas last week because right now, I am out of spark. Oh, and Jenny and Reid are coming to see us tomorrow, pending labor happening or not! I haven't seen her in EIGHT years! Cannot wait.

Some things I'm thankful for this year:
  • My super awesome husband. He does so much for us and never has a negative attitude.
  • My kiddos. There are almost four of them and I couldn't have wished for better ones.
  • My dogs. They're mellow and obedient, small and snuggly.
  • My friends. The ones in my life have been my steady when everything was chaos. I couldn't ask for a better group of gals.
  • My extended family, siblings and other relatives.
  • And lastly, being able to go see my all-time favorite band Garbage in May with Zac, as well as go with Mom to see the Backstreet Boys in August. I'm so excited.

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