Saturday, January 5, 2019

New Year's Eve and stuff

I meant to post a few days ago, but haven't been sleeping much and I've also been super busy de-cluttering. Anyhoo, for New Year's eve, we hung out with Mom since Meredith and Matt were local with their kiddos. She and Rachel fixed junk foods and I spent most of the time with my baby on my boob in Mom's room, watching The Hunger Games with Molly. It was a nice visit, especially since it wasn't encased in mourning. I even made a mince meat fruit cake again, which turned out better this year than last.

I should add: I made a resolution to have more self-control with personal purchases, be more neat, as in tidying more frequently, and to remove much clutter and things I don't need, like tons of holiday decorations, knick knacks, etc. I've actually impressed myself in doing these things because I tend to feel guilty letting go of possessions. However, I came across a random Instagram clip and a woman said something that stuck with me. She was holding on to a sweater that her late aunt knitted for her. She kept it in hopes to let her own daughters inherit it, but once she was grown, she admitted she wouldn't want her daughters to wear it (it was tacky, she said), so she decided to let it go. She took a picture of it to remember it, but donated the sweater. What she said, though I don't have the exact quote, was that the sweater somehow represented her aunt and if she were to get rid of it, it felt as though she were getting rid of her aunt, or a piece of her aunt. But, it was just a sweater. Donating it didn't mean she loved her aunt any less. It was just a sweater. I find that I keep things for the same reason... it's a piece of that person. But, because I came across that clip, something clicked and it's been much easier removing things I don't need (not all things, but most things).

Example of this newfound self-control: I went to Bath & Body Works to pick up my favorite Cucumber Melon scent in shower gel, but it was sold out at two local stores, so we had to go to the mall to get it. I passed Halloween decorations that were on sale and half-priced candles, but didn't even feel the urge to make extra purchases. I got my shower gels and some hand sanitizers and checked out. I'm growing up.

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