Saturday, December 8, 2018


I've been essentially sleep-deprived for the past ten days. Cole wakes up every hour or two to nurse so I'm a caffeinated zombie during the day. Currently, as I type one-handed, he's across my lap feeding for the billionth time since I woke up.

The big kids are back to their lessons, though I've been slacking on Elias' preschool workbook. However he's learned all the words to Jingle Bells and sings it on a continual loop It's been excruciatingly festive and cute, but that may be the Mom in me talking, or maybe the beer I had a few nights ago.

Cole is a really good baby, though he does not like being changed (or peeing on his own face), nor does he like waiting for the boob. Other than that, he's a quiet little thing. He likes to snuggle, doesn't like the hiccups, and he kind of looks like my dad. His cord remnant fell off Tuesday, so he had a much needed bath after he pooped all over me, then peed all over himself. Bathtime will take some getting used to as he doesn't like being naked. He does like the baby wrap and gentle bouncing, though.

So far there hasn't been any jealousy. All three older kids are always asking to hold the baby. Leah's been helpful making sure Elias gets enough attention (board games or hallway car races) and Jac helps with bedtime stories. We're figuring out a new routine and so far, nobody is complaining.

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