Thursday, November 28, 2019

Cole is ONE!

My last baby is officially a year old! It's crazy to think that this time last year he was just a tiny, squirming (screaming) burrito. I was so miserable after I brought him home, just from the recovery, that all I wanted to do was sleep and snuggle him up.

Anyway, as for my littlest pumpkin, caboose, endcap, runt... A last celebration of a first birthday with a pumpkin pie and stack of toy doughnuts that Elias has been trying to capture as his own because "Cole loves sharing wif me."

My little bear has SIX teeth! He'll get in a silly mood where he just wants to bite and thinks it's funny when we say "Ouch!". He doesn't realize he's hurting us... or does he? He likes pressing his face up against the mesh of his playpen and cackles at himself. So far, he's taking tiny steps! Usually just one or two before realizing crawling is faster, but he's trying. And he'll clap when he's just standing there. This boy LOVES food. All the food! He really hasn't opposed much aside from spinach and rice, but I think it's a texture thing and he's not realizing how to chew it. We made it a whole year breastfeeding, even though my right side stopped producing. I'm curious when he'll be ready to wean, but I think he's nursing for comfort as of lately.
He can say "Mama" and "Boob" and has his own sign language of patting his mouth with the back of his hand when he wants a boob, pacifier, or food. It's super cute. And he loves baths so much he gets mad when it's time to get out. At night, he doesn't like being covered up, even if his legs are ice. He'll kick the covers off or start fussing if he gets stuck under a blanket. And his favorite game is peek-a-boo. He'll hide below the top edge of his playpen and pop up really fast. He also gives kisses! It's so sweet I could cry. I'll be holding him and kiss him on the cheek and he'll whip his little mouth over and smooch me (open-mouthed) on the face. I love it. Happiest happy birthday my sweet baby ColeBear. You are loved so very much.

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